Reflection on Amal Totkay

1 min readDec 26, 2020

Developing a growth mindset is essential to learn new things and skills. Because we don’t have a growth mindset, we don’t trust our abilities. We have limited beliefs. But even if we have a fixed mindset and we realized that it is unfavorable for ourselves. We can develop a positive and growth mindset.
Five important tips that can help us develop a growth mindset that we learned at Amal.
1- Talk to yourself
2- Get out of your comfort zone
3- Create new Habits
4- Ask people to help
5- Fake it till you make it
Next, it all comes down to practice.
-How did they find the 5 tips?
These five tips are very helpful and enhance the learning progress and get you closer to your goals.
-What are their takeaways?
Help you to achieve your goals and lead to success.
-What were their fav tips?
Creating new Habits and talk to myself.
-What have they started implementing already?
I have started journaling daily to help me remind my goals.
-What can they do to develop a Growth Mindset beginning from today?
You can develop a growth mindset from the beginning if you don’t limit yourself and try new things. Make new goals and accomplish them.

Happy Learning!!

